This Meme Coin Passes Ethereum!

According to data recently released by the WhaleStats analytics platform, the meme coin project cute Baby Doge Coin (BabyDoge) has surpassed the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH) as the most traded cryptocurrency among holders of the top 1,000 Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallets. . For details keep reading.

BabyDoge has surpassed ETH as the most traded token by the 1,000 largest BSC whales. The BabyDoge price rose 7.3% in the last 24 hours to $0.000000004166. Will BabyDogeCoin follow in the footsteps of SHIB?

Meme coin project BabyDoge knocked out ETH

Baby Doge Coin is known as a “hyper-deflationary” token that claims to be an “improved” form of the famous Dogecoin it inspired, as it will become more scarce over time in order to increase transaction speeds. According to data from the WhaleStats analytics platform, the meme coin project has toppled ETH in the crypto ranking among the 1,000 largest BSC wallets. That said, ETH remains the most traded token overall. In the list of the 10 most purchased cryptocurrencies, BabyDoge ranks second after Binance Coin (BNB).

Another record achieved by this trending meme coin project is seen in the number of holders. WhaleStats also reported that the number of existing BabyDoge holders rose to 1,360,410 from 1,325,042 a week ago. A total of 937,273,486,501,487 BabyDoges worth $3,932,818 are currently stored in crypto addresses by the largest BNB whales, according to WhaleStats.

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