This Meme Coin Launched Today!

While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are on the decline, meme coin projects inspired by these coins are seeing strong gains. BabyDogeZilla (BABYDOGEZILLA) is up 75.28 percent in the last 24 hours and is trading under $0.000000000001 at the time of writing. The token gained 80.6 percent against Bitcoin and 77.36 percent against Ethereum.

Meme coin projects rise as SHIB and DOGE fall

Among other clone cryptocurrencies other than BABYDOGEZILLA, ShibaZilla (SHIBAZILLA) has seen a 102 percent increase in the last 24 hours, and DogeZilla (DOGEZILLA) has experienced a 60.5% increase. DogeMan (DGMAN) rose 124 percent in the last 24 hours to $0.00011. For comparison, Dogecoin is down 5.2 percent in the last 24 hours and is trading at $0.26 at the time of writing. As we have also reported, Shiba Inu, which describes itself as the “Dogecoin killer”, is changing hands at $0.000051 with a loss of 6 percent in the 24-hour period.


Inspired by Dogecoin, Baby Doge Coin, and Doge Zilla, BabyDogeZilla calls itself a “deflationary meme token.” Token says on its website that in the next phase of its project, the cryptocurrency will form the centerpiece of the BabyDogeZilla ecosystem, which will include NFT collections, staking, launchpad and other Web3.0 products and services. On the other hand, DogeZilla, a newly launched cryptocurrency, says it is a “meme coin plus utility token” targeting the Shiba Inu token in the crypto space.

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