This Meme Coin Is Now On The Top 10 Exchanges: Buying Whales!

Meme coin project Shiba Inu (SHIB) is outperforming the broader crypto market on Tuesday after being listed on leading cryptocurrency exchange Kraken. As you can follow from the news, whales are also very interested in SHIB and breast coin continues to be one of the most preferred cryptocurrencies by whales.

Meme coin project easily finds its place on major exchanges

Interestingly, the token, built on the Ethereum network and created by the developer nicknamed Ryoshi, now finds its place in all the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges. Indeed, the “Dogecoin killer” is now listed on top exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, KuCoin, and Kraken, as well as other top 10 listed exchanges on CoinMarketCap. They are also listed on fast-growing exchanges and trading platforms such as CoinGate and VirgoCX, which are at the forefront of the cryptocurrency space, with increased adoption of assets.

After being listed on Coinbase, within 24 hours of its debut on the cryptocurrency exchange, the meme coin saw an inflow of $870 billion. Crypto analyst Jordan Major says in a previous report that SHIB has officially hit the 1 million mark, the number of SHIB holders has continued to increase since October, despite a small drop on Nov.

Notably, after such a parabolic rise to all-time highs, the number of people with SHIB continued to grow exponentially. The analyst also emphasizes that the currency was still not listed on popular platforms like Kraken at the time, indicating that more retail investors expect the coin to gain value again in the foreseeable future. Shiba Inu did just that, stating that Kraken America’s second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume will launch today.

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