This Grandma’s Bitcoin Investment Made Her A Millionaire!

An Israeli grandmother, who made nearly one million shekel profits (3,641,096.47 Turkish lira) after investing in Bitcoin (BTC), is struggling to persuade her bank to honor the investment. Details‘in.

Bitcoin millionaire not yet concluded

Esther Freeman, a 69-year-old retiree, told Ynet in an interview on Thursday that she first heard about cryptocurrency eight years ago:

I consider myself young and said if the young crowd thinks it’s a good investment I’ll take my chance.

Freeman bought 10,000 NIS (1,516.90 Turkish lira) worth of Bitcoin (BTC) and left his investment alone. Now that she was no longer working, she considered retiring to improve her situation and perhaps helping her children as well. He was delighted to see that his modest investment had yielded a huge profit.

He then approached his bank, the branch that has managed his account for over 40 years, asking how best he could make his 900,000 NIS earnings. They were referred by their banker to an expert of their choice, who confirmed their claims in writing. This was not enough for Hapoalim Bank, however, and they refused to accept his large deposits, citing concerns about money laundering regulations.

Freeman is now suing the bank

On my reproaches of the young retiree these days the call is arousing:

They’ve known me for decades and have taken care of all my finances. They know I have nothing to do with money laundering. It is indeed the troubles of the rich.

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