This DeFi Altcoin Project Launches First Syndicated Loans!

Maple Finance launches corporate syndicated loans. Alameda Research is the first company to use the loans. The new proposal will allow borrowers to take undercollateralized loans from institutional investor groups. After the announcement, the price of DeFi altcoin project Maple (MPL) gave a positive reaction of 25%. We have prepared a short article for Maple Finance.

Capital efficiency increases in DeFi altcoin projects

Maple Finance announced on Thursday that it has launched the first DeFi syndicated loan with Alameda Research. The new offering will allow borrowers to syndicate loans directly from accredited institutional investors worldwide through a single pool of borrower loans. Thus, Alameda Research becomes the first institution to take advantage of the new debt instrument, attracting $25 million from industry leaders. Sam Trabucco, Alameda’s co-CEO, had this to say about the launch:

The crypto trading landscape has evolved very quickly over the past few years and we expect this to continue. The flexibility that comes from a decentralized, on-chain lending platform like this is helping Alameda adapt to this landscape and we look forward to seeing it grow.

10 DeFi Altcoin Projects to Watch in 2022!

Maple Finance and syndicated loans

  • Maple Finance is an institutional lending platform focused on providing unsecured loans for crypto native companies. In May, the protocol began offering corporate DeFi loans, facilitating $17 million from lenders including and CoinShares. Earlier this month, the platform launched permissioned pools, enabling regulated entities to facilitate unsecured lending on the blockchain for the first time.
  • Syndicated loans increase capital efficiency in debt markets by allowing a borrower to access funds from a group of lenders at the same time. Additionally, Maple’s syndicated loans are run entirely on the Ethereum network, providing greater flexibility and security for both lenders and borrowers.

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