This Bitcoin Exchange Is Also Inaccessible! –

Problems continue after FTX filed for bankruptcy last week. One more Bitcoin exchange cannot be accessed. It is shared that Uniswap has been closed for hours. WuBlockchain is that Uniswap’s incompatibility mode says not all users can access the Uniswap web application. This is said to be an ongoing issue.

Bitcoin exchanges suffer after FTX crisis

The anxiety created by the bankruptcy of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX led investors from centralized exchanges to decentralized exchanges. However, it is stated that there is an issue with Cloudflare referral on decentralized exchange Uniswap. However, it is stated that users can use the other version until the problem is resolved. Vitto Rivabella, software developer at Alchemy, announced that Uniswap has been shut down.

One of the users of the Bitcoin exchange asked, “Is Uniswap down?” she asked. Afterwards, the user stated that he could not start any application and the PC screen showed a blank screen after pressing start.

As we have reported as; According to DefiLlama, UNI Total Locked Value (TVL) has grown marginally over the past 7 days. According to the statements, this amount is at the level of 3.7 billion dollars.

Uniswap announced it had reached its 2022 summit.

With all this, the protocol on November 15 announced that Uniswap’s Web application had reached the peak of 2022 in terms of new users. It was shared that personal oversight and transparency are in high demand. It is stated that users focus on projects they know and can trust. Chinese crypto journalist Colin Wu drew attention to the problem in Uniswap in a post on his Twitter account. In addition, he stated that users on Uniswap’s official Discord channel cannot access the web application:

Users say the Uniswap website cannot be opened. This is an ongoing problem for all users who cannot access the Uniswap web application. You can continue to use the current version via IPFS connections until the issue is resolved.

Uniswap (UNI) price has dropped 4.9 percent in the last 24 hours. UNI is currently trading at $5.78. 24-hour trading volume, on the other hand, fell 34 percent to $114 million.

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