This Bitcoin Exchange Has Been Hacked: Transactions Suspended!

Blockchain security and data analytics firm PeckShield has informed people that the hot wallets of Bitcoin exchange LCX have been compromised. The estimated loss was calculated to be $6.8 million. LCX said they are taking security measures to protect other wallets and assets. We are giving the details as…

Attack on Bitcoin and altcoin exchange: $ 6.8 million lost

This morning, PeckShield informed people that their LCX hot wallet has been compromised. The estimated losses total $6.8 million, according to PeckShield. In a Twitter post, LCX shared, “We noticed a security issue on our platform. We are currently investigating and will provide regular updates. User funds are safe,” he said. It also stated that withdrawals and deposits are temporarily suspended.

LCX soon updated followers about the event. In their new release, they announced that one of their hot wallets had been compromised. They reported that they are taking security measures to protect other wallets and assets. According to the LCX update, Ethereum Blockchain-based assets such as ETH, USDC, EURe, LCX and others have been moved to the hacker’s Ethereum wallet.

According to the hacker’s ETH address above, there are currently 7.2 million LCX tokens still in the wallet. According to research by PeckShield, LCX lost $6.8 million cumulatively after the hacker transferred eight types of tokens to its address, including The Sandbox (SAND), Quant (QNT), Chainlink (LINK), Enjin Coin (ENJ) and Maker (MKR). Finally, LCX said, “We appreciate the support from our customers, other exchanges, security experts, and the wider crypto community during this difficult time.”

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