This Bear Market Is Different From The Others: A First In Bitcoin History!

Unlike other bear markets, Bitcoin (BTC) signed a first in its history and closed four consecutive quarters in red.

Bitcoin according to Coinecko data 31 December 2022 date 16,581 It has signed a first in its history by closing the dollar levels. year 46,230 Bitcoin repeatedly opened from dollars 4 quarters by closing with a loss 64% lost value. Experts of the year 2022 political turmoil, tight monetary policies and cryptocurrency market scandals While stating that it is not satisfactory for investors due to the reason, he made promising statements for 2023.

bitcoin, November 10, 2021 on 69,000 The decline, which started from the dollar peak, continued throughout 2022. During the year approximately 64% value losing cryptocurrency, many crypto companies and the miner drove it into bankruptcy. And also leveraged many investing institutional and individual the investor also held their positions during the year. liquidation had to.

Experts say that the depreciation experienced during the year in a row many from negative from the factor stated that it was due. in 2022 only bitcoin and not for cryptocurrencies but for many asset markets devastating year it happened.

Declining with the end of the Covid-19 pandemic social helps and the abandonment of expansionary monetary policies was one of the events that caused Bitcoin’s decline, according to experts. Experts say that rising interest rates, investors risky from assets away from this situation and Bitcoin your share you received stated.

emerged later RussiaUkraine war is a global political uncertainty environment and blunted the investment appetite of institutional investors. Experts initially thought that the financial embargoes imposed on Russia caused interest in Bitcoin. will increase Although, as a result of the data visible It was also revealed that there was no change.

According to the crypto money ecosystem actors, one of the biggest misfortunes of Bitcoin and the crypto money market in 2022 is the experience in the sector. financial scandals it happened. Terra (Luna) cryptocurrency market scandals that gained popularity with its collapse, 3AC, Celsius and the most important thing FTX with the scandals of companies that have gained reputation in the sector, such as serious a shaken in the way. In particular, the scandals have caused suspicion against the crypto money industry. formal and institutional of the actors more hard regulations and limitations it made him want it.

On the other hand, many analysts and experts say that the crypto money ecosystem is like every emerging market. natural from a loop and that these cycles are actually a process to perfect the ecosystem. opportunity claimed it was. Among those who support this view, the most famous actors of the industry, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhaofounder of Microstrategy Michael Saylor and BitMEX ex-CEO Arthur Hayes exists.

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