This Auction Will Pay With Crypto Currency!

Cryptocurrency payments are becoming more and more common every day. Finally, cryptocurrencies will also be accepted for the sale of the precious stone, which is thought to come from space and holds the title of the world’s largest diamond.

EnigmaThe precious stone, which is called ” and is a rare black diamond, has the honor of being the largest and most valuable diamond ever.

The selling price of the diamond is between 4.1 million and 6.8 million dollars and customers are willing to buy this diamond. cryptocurrency can pay with.

Also, this isn’t the first time Sotheby’s has taken payments in cryptocurrency. The famous auction house has accepted crypto payments countless times before.

The Mystery Behind the Black Diamond

Dubbed “Enigma,” the gem is a rare 555.55-carat black diamond with 55 facets. It has been in the same collection for over 20 years. The diamond in question actually has an interesting history. In 2004, the Gemological Institute of America and Gübelin, a Swiss jewelry house, named it the world’s largest and most extravagant black natural-colored diamond. Two years later, in 2006, it was listed as the world’s largest cut diamond according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The use of cryptocurrencies in the sale of this diamond, which is “too mediatic” with this feature, will also be extremely beneficial for the ever-increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

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