This Altcoin Wins ‘Product of the Year’ Award! –

The Japan Blockchain Association (JBA) announced the projects that won the 4th Blockchain Awards. Astar Network, which surpassed popular projects such as DOGE and Shiba Inu (SHIB), won the award.

This crypto project surpasses DOGE and SHIB

On Friday, December 23, the Japan Blockchain Association (JBA) announced the winners of the 4th Blockchain Awards. JBA has awarded Astar Network, the smart contract platform for multichain, with the Product of the Year award. In a shared press release, Astar Network said its founder and CEO, Sota Watanabe, also received the Person of the Year award for the second consecutive year at the same event. JBA is currently the largest blockchain association in Japan. It also includes some of the leading global companies such as bitFlyer, Coincheck, Microsoft, GMO, EY, Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, Toyota and ConsenSys.

Primer Network has shown to be one of the leading blockchain projects in Japan. As we have also reported as, ASTAR is a Layer-1 chain. Polkadot as a parachain enables developers to build interoperable dApps. It supports both EVM and WASM smart contracts with cross consensus messaging (XCM) and cross virtual machine messaging (XVM). Commenting on this latest cryptocurrency news, Sota Watanabe, founder and CEO of Astar Network, said:

We are very happy to be recognized by the Japanese Web3 community. As Japan’s leading blockchain project, we are committed to accelerating Web3 innovation through Primer. We will leverage our presence in Japan to unlock opportunities for entrepreneurs, developers and users in 2023 and beyond.

Astar Network’s win came as no surprise

This latest development comes just a month after Astar Network launched Swanky, an all-in-one tool that gives developers what they need to easily create WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts. The CEO of Astar Network is helping the Japanese government chart the way forward for web3 development in the country.

Astar Network has become the blockchain of choice for developers and businesses looking to explore the Japanese Web3 space. It is also the first public blockchain project to be listed in Japan despite the country’s strict listing regulations. However, Astar’s native altcoin project is ASTR. ASTR is registered by the Japanese government as a cryptocurrency, not a security. Listed on the Binance exchange, this altcoin runs on Astar’s Layer-1 Blockchain network. Accordingly, it has various use cases within the network. For example, developers have to pay with ASTR coins to create their own dApps and layer-2 networks.

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