This Altcoin Outperformed Bitcoin! What’s Behind the Ascension?

The cryptocurrency market has gained a new momentum in recent days, led by Bitcoin. The leading cryptocurrency outperformed most altcoin projects. Thus, it consolidated its market dominance. However, a similar altcoin has also registered a stronger bit increase than BTC.

Strong performance from Bitcoin fork

The latest launch of EDXMarkets on June 20 has taken Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to staggering levels. Because the cryptocurrency experienced a staggering 79% increase in value in just four days. This impressive increase not only caught the attention of investors, but also led to a three-year high in the social debate rates surrounding Bitcoin Cash. Moreover, the trading volume effortlessly surpassed previous records set in 2023.

In a recent post, crypto analytics firm Santiment highlighted how BitcoinCash (BCH) emerged as the top earner following the launch of EDXMarkets on June 20.

cryptocoin.comAs you know from EDXMarkets, it is a cutting edge trading platform. The platform provides a robust and user-friendly environment for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Thus, it really played an important role in this extraordinary growth. The advanced features and seamless integration of the platform have contributed to increased interest and investment in Bitcoin Cash, enabling it to thrive in the competitive crypto market. At press time, BCH was trading at around $190, up over 33% on a daily basis.

BCH 7-day price chart / Source: CoinMarketCap

Your altcoin priceWhat is behind the rise in

It is possible to attribute this phenomenal increase in the value of Bitcoin Cash to several factors, including its unique selling points as a cryptocurrency. It has faster processing times and lower fees compared to its peers. Because of this, the altcoin has gained traction among users who prioritize efficiency and cost-effectiveness when trading. There is an ongoing buzz around cryptocurrencies and their potential to revolutionize the financial world. This has undoubtedly fueled the flames of Bitcoin Cash’s success.

Meanwhile, the social media controversy around Bitcoin Cash has reached new heights. Thanks to this, the digital currency quickly gained popularity and recognition. The online community’s growing interest and interest in Bitcoin Cash reflects its potential to become a major player in the crypto world. This remarkable growth in social debate also highlights the power of digital platforms to shape public perception and influence investment decisions.


Bitcoin Cash’s rising trading volume is further evidence of its growing demand and burgeoning market presence. More and more investors flocked to take advantage of its meteoric rise. Thus, altcoin trading volume has effortlessly surpassed 2023 highs. It is possible that the interest from investors will continue and the cryptocurrency will further consolidate its position in the market.

Doubts remain regarding the long-term stability of cryptocurrencies. However, it cannot be denied that Bitcoin Cash’s recent performance has been surprising. The notable 79% growth the digital currency registered in just four days after the EDXMarkets launch offers a glimpse into the potential and ability of cryptocurrencies to disrupt traditional financial systems.

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