This Altcoin Is Worth Investing!

From the servers of Shark Tank, Mr. Kevin O’Leary, also known as Wonderful, stated in an interview how crypto is similar to the shares of technology giants such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon, and that venture capitalists who love technology companies can easily invest in Bitcoin (BTC) and the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH) according to similar criteria. He shared what he could do. For details keep reading.

Mr. Which is Wonderful’s altcoin investment preference?

Kevin O’Leary says technical stocks have historically been volatile, and many are traded by growth metrics, not earnings. The tech sector will continue to grow, he insists. Because although the business models of these heavyweights have not changed, none of us will use Zoom, Microsoft or Google any less.

Mr. Referring to Amazon stock, Wonderful states that over the 17 years it has owned, it has shown corrections of up to 40-50% each year. Therefore, he is using the inevitable market volatility here as an opportunity to spread his investment and basically buy the dip.

Asked about what he sees as the best investment opportunity in the new year, Kevin O’Leary says he has been closely watching the crypto and blockchain industry, including tokens and NFTs, over the past 24 months. According to the famous millionaire, investors invest money in the companies mentioned above, mainly because they invest in software. Mr. Wonderful makes the following statement:

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, and Blockchain as a whole are also types of software. In particular, the leading altcoin Ethereum is a type of software that provides services in globally used payment systems. This is my investment choice.

When choosing cryptocurrencies and altcoin projects to invest in, Kevin O’Leary uses the same rule he uses for stocks: no more than 5% of the portfolio in one position and no more than 20% in an industry. However, O’Leary has invested just over 10.7% in crypto so far, out of the standard 20%, and has a lot of positions in crypto.

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