This Altcoin Hits The Popular Stock Exchange and Takes Off: 3,576 Percent!

Popular altcoin Avalanche (AVAX) was listed on Binance.US, breaking above the $120 level, with its price up 3576%. On Saturday, November 20, the price of AVAX, the native token of smart contracts platform Avalanche, registered an all-time high of $126.86 on crypto exchange Binance. Detail‘in.

Altcoin skyrocketed

According to data from crypto exchange Binance, on November 20, AVAX price rallied to an all-time high of $126.86. At the time of writing, AVAX is trading around $126, up more than 15% in the last 24-hour period.

As for the year-to-date (YTD) period, AVAX’s ROI (vs. USD) is incredible: 3576%.

What are people saying about Avalanche?

The Coin98 infographic below gives a rough idea of ​​how much and how fast the Avalanche ecosystem is growing:

On November 10, Ava Labs Director of Communications Patrick Sutton spoke about the “exponential growth” of transactions in Avalanche’s contract chain (aka “C-Chain”).

Ava Labs DeFi Director Luigi D’Onorio DeMeo said on Monday (November 15th) that the number of daily active addresses (currently about 70,000) has increased 20-fold in the past three months.

On Wednesday, November 17, Binance.US, the US arm of crypto exchange Binance, announced that it will list AVAX on November 18 and open trade on AVAX/USD and AVAX/USDT.

Jay Kurahashi-Sofue, Vice President of Marketing at Ava Labs, said yesterday (November 19th) that people are the reason why Avalanche is currently the fourth most popular blockchain with total value locked in USD (TVL), according to data from Defi Llama. “Choose fast, cheap, secure blockchains, all with a vibrant, passionate community.”

AVAX, which is currently the eleventh in the cryptocurrency market by value, is trading at around $126.84, increasing by 15% daily.

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