This Altcoin Has Explosive Potential! –

A popular Youtube crypto analyst shared his altcoin project, which he thinks has explosive growth potential in the coming periods. Here are the expert selection and the reasons behind the preference…

Partnering with giant companies, this altcoin can be watched closely

Tezos (XTZ), altcoinbuzz analysts’ choice of “high potential” altcoins, has made headlines recently with a number of major partnerships. Just 4 days ago, technology giant Google announced that it will be a validator on Tezos Network. All this indicates that Tezos is in institutional demand. However, in the current bear market, its price is quite far from the ATH level. Here are some examples of the altcoin’s key features that suggest it can quickly recover:

  • Latest Hangzhou upgrade.
  • Aggressive NFT growth policy.
  • Quality smart contracts.
  • Lowest energy use, greenest Blockchain and incredible energy efficiency in the industry.

Tezos is looking for serious steps in the stablecoin space As we reported, Tether (USDT) has decided that Tezos will be the 12th Blockchain to issue local USDT. Following this, the entire DeFi ecosystem on Tezos is expected to grow significantly from here. We can say that it is still small compared to many Tier 1s at the moment. Thanks to the Tether collaboration, USDt posted on Tezos can help raise volume in this regard.

Diversification of validators

With over 400 validators called bakers in the Tezos network, Tezos is more diverse than most PoS networks. They vary not only in number but also in location. For example, the country that approved the most blocks in the last 24 hours was the USA. This means that no country’s policies regarding staking in particular or crypto in general can harm Tezos.

Meanwhile, Tezos’ biggest supporter of diversity right now is Google Cloud. After seeing what has happened to centralized exchanges lately, we know it’s best not to depend on an exchange.

Tezos grows one of the largest altcoin communities

As measured by LunarCrush, the total social engagement for XTZ is currently around 33 billion on Twitter. We can say that this is supported by real community growth. Social engagement comes from real sources rather than buying likes and followers.

On top of that, another way to trust Tezos is that 75% of the circulating XTZ is currently staked.

Increased network usage

The most important source in this regard may be Messari. Messari CEO Ryan Selkis recently shared a post about Tezos. Both gem contract calls and transactions are growing steadily year over year, they said. While all is well, there is only a slight decrease in Q2. You can watch Tezos’ analysis of the fourth quarter with subtitles in the Youtube video below.

How does Tezos differ from its altcoin competitors tokenomically?

While some actions result in the burning of cryptocurrencies, XTZ does not have a burning program like BNB or a few others do. They don’t always burn a portion of the transaction fee as ETH does now with EIP 1559. This is important because it is necessary to know that XTZ has an unlimited supply.

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