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Shiba Inu (SHIB), one of the biggest meme coin projects, has been on the agenda with great developments recently. According to the latest statements, the SHIB community has chosen the platform’s native token to provide clarity for Shibarium. Here are the details…

Shiba Inu community chooses native token for Shibarium

Shibarium Network, the official Twitter account of the Shibarium Blockchain, updated the community about the upcoming launch of the Shibarium Beta Network. Those in the project hint that the launch of the layer-2 blockchain solution Shibarium is indeed imminent. As we reported, in the last 2 weeks, Shiba Inu core developers Shytoshi Kusama and Trophias and the Shiba Inu ecosystem gave a few hints about the Shibarium beta launch.

Shibarium Network updated the community about the upcoming launch of the Shibarium Beta Network in a series of tweets on January 5. This was the first tweet about the Shibarium Blockchain from the official Twitter account. The tweet includes the following statements:

As we approach the launch of the upcoming Shibarium Beta Network, we would first like to thank the Shiba community for bringing such energy and excitement during the promotional phase.

It also eliminated the growing speculation about the inclusion of other tokens on the network or the tokens needed to reap the benefits. Shibarium Network has confirmed that BONE will remain the only token chosen for gas fees and usage. Therefore, no other tokens will be needed within the ecosystem.

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BONE will be the only coin used for the Shibarium ecosystem

Also, Shibarium has been developed exclusively for the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Other projects claiming to be associated with Shibarium on any other token are misrepresenting at this point. The Layer-2 blockchain solution was created for the community to innovate and develop SHIB as an ecosystem. So the community will always support the Shiba Inu and its growth. The project team used the following statements:

Please refer to the official information provided via our social media and blog portals to always get the latest updates accurately and clearly directly from the source.

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ShibArmy also noted that the “Shibarium announcement” section has been added to the Shiba Inu Discord. Several SHIB developers and influencers shared the announcement on Twitter.

SHIB and BONE price jumps

Meanwhile, the Shiba Inu price is currently up over 3% in the last 24 hours, as high as $0.00000872. SHIB price saw massive trading volume amid the anticipated Shibarium beta launch. Meanwhile, Shibarium’s gas token BONE has skyrocketed 20 percent in the last 24 hours. BONE price is currently trading at $1.12. You can see the 24-hour chart of both as follows:

24-hour SHIB chart
24-hour BONE chart

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