This Altcoin Could Increase By 330% By The End Of The Year!

  • According to a new report by finance trends survey platform Finder, the platform’s analyst panel, Ripple’s (XRP) He predicts that the price will reach $2.55 before the end of the year.

For the revised research on May 4, a panel of 36 industry experts was asked for their thoughts on how XRP will perform over the next decade should Ripple win or lose the lawsuit against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Although XRP has slumped over 84 percent since it hit an all-time high of $3.84 in January 2018, the report says, if Ripple wins its case with the SEC, the XRP price will rise more than 330 percent over the rest of this year to 2.55 percent. He said they expect it to jump to the dollar.

Again, according to the report, if Ripple loses, the coin’s value could find its place at $0.68 by the end of the year. The refreshed current report drops the earlier projection that another panel of fintech experts will hit a $2.79 high for XRP before the end of the year.

The panel also believes that the value of XRP will start from $3.61 at the end of 2025 and rise to $4.98 by 2030. at the time of writing XRP price It is at the level of $0.59.

XRP is a speculative asset

Despite bullish predictions, not all panelists believe XRP will reach the stated levels. Matthew Harry, head of funds at DigitalX Asset Management, for example, believes that if Ripple wins the lawsuit, XRP will only briefly touch the $5 level before December 31, 2022. According to Harry, XRP’s price action simply indicates that it is a speculative asset with no intrinsic value.

“The XRP token is useless for nothing but speculation. The underlying technology is terrific, but the token itself currently has no use, attracting speculators as it is cheap and has an easily digestible value boost – none of which is reflected in the token.”

CoinFlip founder Daniel Polotsky makes an even more chilling prediction, stating that XRP could peak at $0.90 before the end of the year. The expert also believes that the crypto asset is based on hype rather than actual use.

Despite the positive price forecast, only 23 percent of the panel recommends buying XRP, while 45 percent prefer HODL. However, 32 percent of the experts said it’s time to give up. However, although XRP bears the scars of the ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC, the panel is confident that XRP’s growth will continue if the case is settled.

Last week, the judge in the Ripple case changed the timetable, signaling that the issue would be resolved before the end of the year. According to the panel, in addition to the court victory, the company’s focus on rebuilding trust in XRP by forming partnerships with a growing number of major companies could reignite the bullish storm for the XRP price.

At the time of writing, the prices of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are falling in response to sharp market sell-offs. Bitcoin (BTC), which declined to $ 35,851, is again trying to hold above $ 36,000 at the time of writing.

You can check the price movements here.

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, KoinFinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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