This Altcoin Announces New Partnership! –

In the news of a new partnership from the altcoin market, Chinese technology company Tencent, which focuses on Web3 and the metaverse, has announced its strategic ecosystem partner.

Tencent Cloud will work with this altcoin project

MultiversX, which rewards its users with the EGLD token, announced its strategic cooperation with Tencent’s cloud service, Tencent Cloud. According to the official announcement, Tencent Cloud will leverage “the MultiversX network and suite of products to explore new ways to create value within the Web3 and Metaverse space” as part of the collaboration.

Tencent Cloud’s role is to be a technology provider for Web 3.0 in the way the Web 3.0 community is used to and most comfortable with. With years of experience in games, audio and video, Tencent Cloud provides powerful technological support for Web 3.0 organizations and developers, leveraging the world’s leading computing power, storage, networking and media technologies for a more immersive experience.

MultiversX (EGLD) price rises in double digits

Tencent Cloud’s new ecosystem partner, MultiversX (EGLD), gained over 15% shortly after the announcement. MultiversX has gained momentum in these areas with the new name and latest partnerships of Elrond (EGLD), which focuses on Web3 and the metaverse.

What does the partnership provide to the altcoin market?

The existing synergy between the two companies has been further strengthened as MultiversX has unveiled its three strategic Metaverse products, xPortal, xFabric and xWorlds, and Tencent Cloud’s commitment to the Web3.0 world and metaverse space. The world-leading technology company will also be able to leverage MultiversX solutions, which range from a codeless interface for deploying applications or even Blockchains to an intuitive gateway that bridges the worlds and the entire stack of metaverse tools.

Additionally, the 10,000+ servers that make up the MultiversX network will soon have a new high-performance, secure and reliable option to run on Tencent Cloud’s infrastructure services. Tencent Cloud is also exploring running a validator node operator to directly contribute to our network security. Also, the collaboration angles being explored are expanding to joint ventures for future developer events and programs for an upcoming startup hub.

“From providing the best hyperscale infrastructure to providing a one-stop-shop for cloud solutions, we aim to support the global Web 3.0 community to embrace critical technologies and forge deeper connections between the virtual and real worlds,” said Leo Li, Tencent’s vice president.

About Tencent Cloud

As one of the world’s leading cloud companies, Tencent Cloud is dedicated to creating innovative solutions to solve real-world problems and driving digital transformation for smart industries. With its extensive global infrastructure, Tencent Cloud leverages technological advances such as cloud computing, Big Data analytics, AI, IoT, and network security to provide stable and secure industry-leading cloud products and services to businesses around the world. As we mentioned, the field of artificial intelligence gained momentum in the crypto money market with Microsoft’s OpenAI investment.

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