These NFT Tokens Have Been Stolen! –

One of the first major crypto attacks of 2023 is happening right now. Hackers sold NFTs of the popular collection CryptoPunks and started scamming their community on Discord. NFT tokens are currently floating in hackers’ wallets.

Hack alert: NFT tokens under attack

According to a statement shared by NFT enthusiast CryptoNovo, the CryptoPunks NFT collection has been hacked by hackers. At least three high-profile NFTs have been stolen from the CryptoPunks collection.

Well-known on-chain analyst ZachXBT realized that the attack was carried out by a group of scammers who had targeted NFT owners in the past. In early November 2022, wallets associated with crypto exchange Fixed Float were used for transactions with stolen funds. Analysts recommend revoking all confirmations for transactions with associated wallets. Net losses from the attack could be in the six figures.

Meanwhile, CryptoNovo urged NFT holders to be cautious when interacting with their social media accounts from its Twitter account. In a recent statement, he said, “I don’t want anything from anyone. DO NOT SEND anything to anyone using my name and account number! The discord you see below is a fake account. Several other CryptoPunks owners also have scammers pretending to be them.”

Scammers infected Discord

The first victim of today’s hack shared about an hour ago that someone in the Discord community had impersonated him. Hackers abuse your name, logo, avatar image and links to your address. Similar impersonation attacks have targeted other CryptoPunks owners. Therefore, owners of the best-selling Larva Labs collections should double-check their privacy settings.

CryptoNovo currently has an NFT collection worth $4 million. These are: Meebits, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Adam Bomb Squad, World of Women, Many others and CryptoPunks. We include current developments in the NFT market on this page.

How can you avoid hacking attacks in the NFT domain?

As can be seen from the methods to impersonate Discord accounts, it is necessary to try a number of security methods for this. For example, many newcomers to the NFT space mistakenly sign malicious smart contracts because they can’t (or won’t) read them carefully. Other times, hackers can bypass the toughest security measures and even experienced NFT traders can be scammed.

For this, there are multiple wallets you can use to store and trade your NFTs, something anyone can do. Accordingly, NFT experts recommend keeping your most valuable collections in a cold wallet and using only the hot wallet for transactions.

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