These New Released NFT Tokens Are Crazy: Made 5,000 Percent!

The highly anticipated Invisible Friends NFT tokens were released last night. While the artwork has yet to appear, NFTs soon began trading on the secondary market with a margin of 5,000%. For details keep reading.

Invisible Friends NFT tokens launch

Invisible Friends launched last night at a price of 0.25 Ethereum for early access wallets, and NFTs have skyrocketed in the secondary market. While the artwork for each piece has yet to be revealed, they were trading up to 15 Ethereums on OpenSea, up over 5,000%. The base price of the collection has since dropped to around 8 Ethereums, with more than 9,200 Ethereum transactions on OpenSea so far.

Golden Friend, a special edition unique piece from the Invisible Friends Specials collection, was also sold at auction for 496.69 ETH, valued at approximately $1.3 million. Proceeds from this sale will go to the RCC relief fund, and the winner of the Golden NFT will receive between two and six token IDs from the Invisible Friends main collection.

Invisible Friends was one of the most talked about NFT collections of the last few months. It amassed 500,000 Twitter followers before launch. It was created by popular Swedish animator Markus Magnusson and is part of the Random Character Collection, a group behind other leading NFT projects like Slim Hood and Mood Rollers.

The project says it’s ‘hidden in the Metaverse’. Each of Magnusson’s 5,000 animations in the NFT collection features an invisible character that focuses on the character’s clothing and gait. In a High Snobiety interview this week, Magnusson said Invisible Friends is “for people who are still kids at heart.”

While the Invisible Friends NFT collection is a particularly anticipated drop, the NFT market as a whole has been booming in recent weeks after hitting the mainstream in 2021. The broader market is seeing a decline in tradable crypto assets, while daily transfers for NFTs are on the rise. OpenSea is approaching all-time highs, with sales of $5 billion last month.

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