These Metaverse Coin Projects Could Launch!

Cryptocurrency analyst Jay Freed shared in a video he recently published, 3 metaverse coin projects that he thinks will have a big rise as the altcoin season starts to gain momentum.

Jay Freed drew attention to these 3 metaverse coin projects

The first metaverse coin that Jay Freed drew attention to was OVR, which is based on the Ethereum Blockchain. “This opens up a whole new field of opportunities for creating AR experiences that were not technically possible before,” Freed says of this altcoin, saying, “No other platform, neither Blockchain nor the traditional world, can currently achieve this.” Freed says that with its technology, users will be able to earn OVR tokens with the OVRLand scanner by scanning physical locations through their smartphones in their pockets, with OVR’s “Map to Earn” potential.

In second place is Kalao (KLO). Kalao provides a framework to accelerate the adoption of VR technology to develop virtual worlds and drive the digital transformation of business use cases. The analyst also notes that Kalao Marketplace is powered by the fast, secure and low-fee Avalanche Blockchain, which supports both the X-Chain and C-Chain networks, offering and rewarding multiple auction types.

Finally, the analyst points to Ultra (UOS), a blockchain-based PC game distribution platform designed to provide new opportunities for both gamers and game developers. Although we share the coins mentioned by the analyst, it is worth noting that this market is quite risky and some experts have set targets that are difficult to reach.

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