These Levels Are Coming With Hyperbolic Rise In Bitcoin (BTC)!

Popular crypto expert PlanB is updating its price target for the first quarter of 2022, revealing their hyperbolic analysis where Bitcoin (BTC) is outperforming all other cryptos. Here are the details…

PlanB: Bitcoin over $100,000 year-end

Popular cryptocurrency analyst, in an interview with Bitcoin (BTC) bull Anthony Pompliano, says that, based on various models, Bitcoin has a 700% probability of going up early next year:

If we look at the on-chain signals right now, I’d say the peak is about six months away. So that would be the end of the first quarter. The third type of model I used at that time was, of course, the floor model. $135,000, this is not based on stock flow… It’s based on technical and on-chain data.

PlanB continues:

I think we’ll be over $100,000, over $135,000 by the end of the year, and then continue to grow towards the stock-to-stream X (S2FX) model target of perhaps $288,000 or even more. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see prices of $300,000, $400,000 (or) $500,000 in the second quarter of next year, even in the first quarter.

What levels does the S2F model predict

The stock-to-flow model (S2F), traditionally used to monitor the performance of commodities such as precious metals, compares the price of a cryptocurrency to its current supply. Meanwhile, PlanB’s stock-to-flow cross-asset model (S2FX) looks at the stages of Bitcoin’s transition from proof-of-concept to a financial asset in making a valuation for BTC. Over the long term, PlanB says it has seen Bitcoin go into a hyperbolic uptrend:

Right now the money is with the elderly. Real estate and gold, not the physical world and the digital world. Digital scarcity is a new generation thing, so I think it will grow, but I also see a linear relationship between scarcity and value in my model… To me, scarcity is the most important factor that causes this linear relationship and causes people to invest more money in real estate now.

Here are 5 Events That Will Price Bitcoin and Altcoins! Apart from these, PlanB, whose analysis we have shared, thinks that Bitcoin scarcity will be better than real estate. According to the analyst, we may enter the FOMO, the hyperbolic scenario now or next year or next year. PlanB is also extending its goals to 2032. According to the analyst, Bitcoin will be by far the best asset physically, dynamically and mathematically above all others.

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