These Levels Are Coming For Ethereum!

Mike McGlone, chief commodities strategist at Bloomberg, explained on Twitter the major advantages of Ethereum (ETH) growth that are likely to add further impetus to eventually reach $5,000. As you can follow from his news, Mike McGlone knew $10,000, $12,000 and $50,000 in Bitcoin.

Ethereum on its way to $5,000, according to Mike McGlone

Bloomberg’s commodities expert believes that the second-largest blockchain is at the heart of the digitization of finance and money, and it is on this basis that further price increases of ETH will take place. Mike McGlone believes Ethereum is on track to reach $5,000.

The commodity strategist describes Bitcoin as a commodity whose supply is declining but demand is greatly increasing. As for Ethereum (ETH), Mike McGlone says, “Heard and fixed,” and says it’s riding the wave of digitization. Almost a week ago, ETH reached its all-time high (ATH) of $4,366. However, it has since been correcting and was trading at $3,998 at the time of writing.

ETH total value in ETH 2.0 reaches $34.3 billion

According to data shared by Glassnode analytics, the total amount of ETH locked in the Ethereum 2.0 deposit contract reached a new lifetime high of $34,337,442,751.90. This equates to 8,539,419.84 ETH coins.

Ether outflows from central crypto exchanges (seven-day MA) are currently at a one-month high, with a total of $43,969,077.

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