These Layer 1 Coins Could Rise On The 2022 Stage!

Cryptocurrency analysts Benton Yaun, Jordan Finneseth and Sam Bourgi shared their preferred Layer 1 coins for 2022. In this article, let’s take a look at the experts’ “2022 market report”.

Here are the Layer 1 coins of 2022 from the list of experts

Popular crypto analysts Benton Yaun, Jordan Finneseth, and Sam Bourgi discussed in a recent Youtube session which Layer 1 protocol is more likely to rise above the others in 2022. When it comes to transactions, analysts are discussing Velas (VLX), Avalanche (AVAX) with significant VC support, and Cosmos (ATOM) with fast transactions and low gas fees.

Let’s get to know altcoin projects briefly

  • AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche ecosystem. It is a limited, scarce cryptocurrency used to pay fees, secure the platform through staking, and provide a basic unit of account across multiple subnets created on Avalanche. AVAX, which is trading at the 11th place at the time of writing, has decreased by 20% in the last 7 days to $ 86.34.
  • Velas is one of the fastest EVM Blockchains in the world, providing speeds of up to 75,000 tx/s, processing instantly, with the highest security at almost free. The Velas Ecosystem consists of decentralized products built on Blockchain to facilitate the user experience of decentralized, open-source products. VLX is ranked 108th by market cap. At the time of writing, it is trading at $0.3184, down 36% weekly.
  • Cosmos (ATOM) sees itself as a project that solves some of the “hardest problems” of Blockchain. By offering an ecosystem of connected Blockchains, it aims to provide a solution to “slow, expensive, unscalable and environmentally harmful” PoW protocols such as those used by Bitcoin. ATOM ranks 25th by market capitalization. Summer

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