These Artificial Intelligence Coins Are Affected!

Binance CEO CZ supported the call to ‘stop artificial intelligence research and development’ signed by Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, Yuval Noah Harari, Gary Marcus and more than 1,000 artificial intelligence experts. Widespread concerns, some AI coins are also falling.

Binance CEO: AI is a technology that can take over our world

Key figures in the AI ​​industry have recently signed a letter suggesting a 6-month break from AI research and development around the world. Twitter CEO Elon Musk is among those who want artificial intelligence training above a certain capacity to be stopped for at least six months. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and some researchers at DeepMind also supported the idea.

In a new tweet today, Binance CEO CZ vindicated the concerns, suggesting that “balance is needed”. “AI is a technology that can take over our world and make us irrelevant,” he said.

CZ’s point is that despite the increasing regulatory pressure on blockchain technology, regulations for AI have yet to be fully discussed. According to Binance CEO, it should be regulated due to the need for ‘balance’ in artificial intelligence. According to CZ:

Blockchain/crypto is a neutral technology to increase efficiency and reduce transaction costs. People are worried about (editing) it. AI is a technology that can take over our world and make us irrelevant. But no one is worried. Because I am pro-innovation, I am pro-artificial intelligence. But balance is needed everywhere…

CZ’s statements were aimed at the “smart virus” concern that will emerge in 5 years

Twitter user Javi Lopez recently made a disastrous prediction about the future of technology in a tweet that got tech enthusiasts excited. According to the AI ​​developer, within the next five years we will witness the emergence of the first “smart virus” circulating on the Internet. The virus will be based on an LLM similar to ChatGPT and will be impossible to eradicate.

This prediction caught the attention of many, including CZ. In the last days of March, a letter prepared by the Future of Life organization, concerns about artificial intelligence were raised. Also, in recent years there have been several reports of malware using artificial intelligence to evade detection and infect systems. CZ also emphasizes the need for a regulatory basis to avoid these problems.

These AI coins have been negatively impacted

During CZ’s statements, some AI coins were showing double-digit declines. Specifically, the GNY has lost more than 15% over the last 24 hours. According to data from CMC, the artificial intelligence coins that lost the most value in the last 24 hours are as follows:

  1. GNY (GNY): -17.20%
  2. Image Generation AI (IMGNAI): -14.63%
  3. Agoras: Currency of Tau (AGRS): -13.36%
  4. Aion (AION): -10.57%
  5. ClinTex CTi (CTI): -10.20%
  6. inSure DeFi (SURE): -9.95%
  7. Leather Protocol (LEATHER): -8.97%

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