These Altcoin Projects Could Overtake Bitcoin!

Millionaire and Shark Tank contributor Kevin O’Leary is a staunch advocate of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, as well as host of NFTs that host popular altcoin projects. O’Leary also talked about these in his last interview. We are giving the details as…

O’Leary thinks these altcoin projects could surpass Bitcoin

Leading TV personality Kevin O’Leary believes NFTs could emerge as a “far larger, more fluid market” than Bitcoin. This prediction came as a surprise, as the Canadian businessman stated that nothing stands a chance of replacing the primary cryptocurrency. In an interview for CNBC on January 5, O’Leary, known as one of the hosts of the reality TV show Shark Tank, talked about NFTs and their potential growth in the years to come. O’Leary used the following statements about his belief in NFTs:

You’ll see a lot of movement in identity verification, insurance policies, and property transfer taxes over the next few years, making NFTs a potentially much larger, more streamlined market than just Bitcoin.

O’Leary is a keen advocate of assets for Bitcoin and NFTs, as well as other cryptos including ETH, SOL and USDC. NFTs, ie non-fungible tokens themselves, are not directly a coin. However, NFT-focused coins include popular altcoins such as Axie Infinity (AXS), The Sandbox (SAND), Decentraland (MANA). However, there is one token he doesn’t like – Dogecoin. According to O’Leary, investing in memecoin is no different than gambling. He also said that DOGE has no inherent value and should be classified as pure speculation.

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