These 8 Altcoin Accounts Have Been Hacked!

A 20-year-old university student in Izmir transferred his KYK loans and the money he saved to Binance. However, the student, who could not enter his account, saw that all his assets were sold. The victim complained that Binance officials did not take responsibility.

Binance account hacked, 110,000 lira gone

Halil Utku Şimşek, 20, a university student in Izmir, kept a total of 110,000 liras on Binance, consisting of KYK loan and the money he saved by working. However, Şimşek realized that he could not enter his account on September 9 and that his account was closed. Upon this, Şimşek, who reached the support line of Binance, was told that there was no problem. About a day later, Şimşek, whose account was opened again, saw that a total of 11,170 dollars worth of coins were sold when he entered the stock market. These coins included Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Neo (NEO), Chiliz (CHZ), Gifto (GTO), Swipe (SXP), WazirX (WRX), Chromia (CHR), and Binance Coin (BNB).

Reaching the Binance support team, Şimşek was told that his account had been hacked and that he had to apply to government agencies. Şimşek also filed a complaint with the Bodrum Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. However, the university student stated that he had saved the money as a result of years of work and said that his “dreams were destroyed in a few minutes”. In addition, Şimşek, who stated that they did not accept responsibility when he spoke to the Binance official, said, “An exchange account should not be hacked this much and they should not escape responsibility so easily.”

On this issue, Lawyer Sinan Keskin draws attention to the fact that the state does not have any responsibility due to the decentralized system and the non-recognition of cryptocurrencies by the state and the lack of inspection by the CMB. “Penal and compensation lawsuits can be filed against the company. Let’s say the court filed a lawsuit and said ‘yes, the account was hacked’. How will the collection be done then? That’s where the calf’s tail breaks off,” he says. As we have also reported, in the past months, a person claimed that 240 thousand dollars evaporated from Binance’s Turkey branch and requested a foreclosure.

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