These 7 Altcoins Have Entered the Historic Buy Zone!

Seven popular cryptocurrencies have been listed as currently “oversold” altcoin projects by a leading crypto analytics firm. These coins have lost more than 50% from their ATH levels and are showing the first signs of bullishness…

In Bitcoin’s stagnation, these 7 altcoins are giving bullish signals

In a recent tweet, Santiment shared that the following cryptocurrencies are in “historically perfect buying territory”:

Phantom (FTM), Curve DAO Token (CRV), 1inch (1INCH), Enjin (ENJ), Chiliz (CHZ), Loopring (LRC), and Skale (SKL) are all in “historically perfect buy territory.”

However, altcoin prices are likely to drop further, according to Santimen:

As crypto prices continued to fluctuate, cryptocurrencies took markedly different trajectories and produced markedly different results based on average investor returns. We see the vast majority of cryptocurrencies as oversold using different timeframes in the results, but some additional dips are quite plausible.

FTM, CHZ, ENJ and LRC diverged significantly from their peak prices

Fantom (FTM), a scalable smart contract-enabled Blockchain, exchange and payment protocol Loopring (LPC), fan token and platform Chiliz (CHZ), gaming-focused NFT hub Enjin Coin (ENJ) tumbled between 60% and 80% from their peak prices. . You can reach the developments regarding the separation of Andre Cronje, the developer who dropped Phantom by double digits, which we have reported as.

The decentralized exchange platform 1inch (1INCH), the Tier-2 scaling solution Skale (SKL), and the Curve DAO Token (CRV), designed for trading stablecoins, are the redboard leaders, depreciating between 84 and 96% from ATH prices.

Privacy altcoins Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC), file storage system Aweave (AR), and micropayments network Toncoin (TON) are “significant” after a crypto market rebound that pushed Bitcoin above $39,000, according to analytics firm. gains”. Bitcoin (BTC) is trading in the $39,300 region, down 6.5% at the time of writing. Since March 9, when it touched over $42, there have been $200 million in liquidations.

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