These 6 Altcoins in a Bear Market, Ideal Investments!

There is a huge volatility in the crypto market that has emerged over the past six months. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost every altcoin project is traded at a huge discount. In fact, some of these altcoins are currently trading under $1. This means it is very affordable to buy them at the bottom and increase your portfolio returns.

“These 6 altcoins are ideal investments in a bear market”

Of course, you need to be careful when buying them. If you’re spending less than $1 on a cryptocurrency or token, there’s a reason. But this list includes six of the safest, high-profile cryptocurrencies in the world right now. It is possible to buy them by spending only cents. However, keep in mind that estimates for these altcoin projects are only conjecture. An analyst made this list and it’s just expectations. We have compiled it for you.

Polygon (MATIC)

At the top of the $1 altcoin list is Polygon (MATIC), a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. Polygon runs on top of Ethereum. Accordingly, it allows for super fast transactions and near-zero transaction costs on Ethereum. Thus, it stands out as a Blockchain that brings tremendous benefit to Ether. As a result of the close connection between Polygon and Ethereum, Polygon continues to capitalize on all the hype surrounding Ethereum Merge.

Ethereum is trading close to $1,700 these days, while Polygon is trading at just $0.81. If you expect Ethereum to skyrocket to the moon, Polygon offers a way to join the same rise. Going forward, Polygon has a number of exciting projects in the works related to gaming, the Metaverse, and NFTs. Therefore, the expert says, it has a lot of potential in the future.

Cardano (ADA)

Currently, there are numerous Ethereum competitors on the market, and one of the most popular options is the altcoin project Cardano (ADA), which has been around since 2017. Its popularity is largely due to the peer-reviewed, academic-style software development process pioneered by Cardano. Cardano is currently preparing to further strengthen its position in the competitive market. Accordingly, the network is extremely close to completing another major technological upgrade.

Also, you can now use Cardano to do almost anything you can do with Ethereum. In late 2021, Cardano achieved smart contract functionality. Thus, the game built on Cardano gave rise to the NFT and DeFi projects. Currently, Cardano is trading at just $0.45. Therefore, the expert puts Cardano among the gems under $1.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE), which is currently trading for only $0.06, is also on the list. What makes Dogecoin unique is that it is one of the most popular memecoins in the world. In fact, the altcoin was launched as a joke in 2013. But it evolved into a more serious blockchain project and even caught the attention of Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin. Dogecoin also has a large and passionate online community that supports it.

DOGE pioneered the production of countless other meme coins, including the Shiba Inu. While Dogecoin is admittedly very speculative, it is also the most popular memecoin. A growing number of online retailers support it as a form of payment (including luxury retailer Gucci). It’s also on its way, with the online support of influential billionaires Mark Cuban and Elon Musk. As a result, the expert considers DOGE among the best altcoins under $1.

3 other altcoins

The expert describes the above altcoin projects as the best. However, it also offers traders other altcoins under $1. These are good investment options, although not as much as the above, according to the expert. It puts STEPN (GMT) first. Also popular with Turkish investors, STEPN is the altcoin asset of an innovative mobile play-to-win game.

In second place comes Algorand (ALGO). For those who don’t know, Algorand is a relatively new and highly sustainable blockchain project by a famous MIT professor. Finally, the expert talks about Ripple (XRP). XRP is notable for providing a seamless, zero-cost way to transfer money (especially remittances) worldwide in seconds.

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