These 6 Altcoins Are Rising Insanely: 3,000 Percent Exceeded!

Over the past 24 hours, Bitcoin has experienced a 2 percent decrease and regressed to around $ 42,000. The value of major cryptocurrencies also fell. However, looking at the overall market regardless of market cap, many new and small altcoins have gained in value. We examine them as…

These 6 altcoins became the leaders of the day

Looking at the overall cryptocurrency market, Coinmarketcap’s “winners of the day” list includes Metaverse Future (METAF), which is up 3,000 percent. The project introduces itself as “Metaverse Future was conceived with a mission to create an open Metaverse where partners not only play games to earn money, but also freely create values ​​to serve the needs of Metaverse residents.” ALLBI behind METAF is currently running a PayPal promotion and says anyone who buys ALLBI with a $300 PayPal payment will get METAF.

The second most rising altcoin was the play-to-earn altcoin NinjaFloki (NJF) with 1.261 percent. Third, YoHero (YHC), another play-to-earn altcoin, was on the list with a 1,080% rise. In fourth place was Bitecoin (BITC), with an increase of 754 percent. Bitecoin is promoted as a BSC reward token. It has recently reported that it is listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap.

On the other hand, BEP20-based MetaSafeMoon (METASM) increased by 498 percent, while ERC20 (ERC20) rose 246%. A person who says he is the creator of MetaSafeMoon announced that the total supply has been increased to $ 1.1 million. At the end of the article, it is worth noting that these fast-rising altcoins are always likely to experience sharp decreases, and you should make your investments in line with your own research.

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