These 5 Small Altcoins Jumped As The Whole Market Crashed!

As the news about the Omicron variant spread and both the coin and stock markets dropped sharply today, some cryptocurrencies managed to record huge gains today. This article features 5 altcoins ranked by 24-hour price increase. We share the details as…

These 5 altcoins challenged the market

A cryptocurrency called WaykiChain (WICC) ​​has increased by 18.01 percent in the last 24 hours. WaykiChain is a platform focused on improving its technology, which includes a new consensus algorithm, dual virtual machine smart contract scripting language, an efficient DEX based on WaykiChain, and crosschain support for sidechains and other protocols.

Second, TrueChain (TRUE) gained 22.20 percent. TrueChain describes itself as the platform that creates the infrastructure for the future of decentralized applications. Recently, TrueChain collaborated with a project in South Korea. Third, an altcoin named Dad (DAD) gained 12.9 percent. DAD stands for Decentralized Advertising. DAD is a Blockchain-based platform that seeks to connect advertisers globally.

In fourth place is Cortex (CTXC), with an increase of 45 percent. Cortex describes itself as the first decentralized “world computer” capable of running AI-powered dApps on Blockchain. Finally, Contentos (COS) gained 62.09 percent. Contentos describes itself as a decentralized global content ecosystem. Contentos announced on Twitter its partnership with the Japanese NFT project called HUG HUG COIN.

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