These 5 Meme Coins Have Doubled Their Price!

After Shiba Inu’s astronomical price increase last month, the market’s attention has been turned to coin meme coin projects. In this article, we examine the top 5 meme coins that have gained the most this week, ranked by 7-day price increase from lowest to highest.

Meme coin auto of the week

Fifth-ranked Moonlana describes itself as a next-generation Meme platform powered by Solana. It includes a decentralized exchange, Tipbots, NFTs and more. The BREAK price is up 34% this week. It is currently trading at $0.001812.

Next up is the Loser Coin (LOWB) with the slogan “Sometimes you have to lose to lose again”. LOWB is up 33.49% this week. It is trading at $0.00007738. Third on the list we have prepared is DogeGF, which describes itself as a “token of kind gestures based on reciprocity”. DOGEGF did 54% this week. It is trading at $0.0000000002766.

ClassicDoge is a BEP-20 token that describes itself as “the first decentralized pet community”. XDOGE says it’s perfect for dog lovers, as the project focuses on connecting a community of pet lovers locally. XDOGE is up 55.46% this week. It is trading at $0.00076 with a minor correction.

Here is the most lucrative meme coin of the week

Similar to Moonlana, WOOF is built on Solana Blockchain. It has its own DEX & NFT marketplace called WoofSwap. The meme coin project has grown into one of the fastest growing communities with over 26,000 owners after launching in late October. It is in the first place with its performance of &61.10 this week. WOOF ranks 810th by market value. It is trading at $0.001545.

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