These 5 Altcoins Rise Hard!

Bitcoin (BTC), which was on the rise on the first day of the week, rose 3.2% and recently exceeded the $ 63,000 level for a short time. It moves pretty close to that level at the time of writing, too. Due to Bitcoin’s bullish momentum and various reasons, the overall cryptocurrency market seems to be trading off the green board. Its total market capitalization has exceeded $2.7 trillion. However, 5 altcoins, in the top 100 by market value came to the fore with the highest rise.

The highest rising altcoin was THORChain (RUNE) As we have also reported, in the middle of the year, THORChain suffered a hack that resulted in the withdrawal of $ 8 million from its reserves, and these consecutive attacks dealt a heavy blow to the RUNE price. This week, the protocol announced that it will reopen the Ethereum pool along with other altcoin and BTC-based pools, and the announcement appears to have had a positive impact on the RUNE price. RUNE has experienced a 17.88 percent increase at the time of writing. It is also worth noting that a large number of new projects will be launched soon in the THORChain network.

Second, the GRT token of The Graph, an indexing protocol for querying data for networks such as Ethereum and IPFS, which powers many applications in both DeFi and the wider Web3 ecosystem, gained 12.43 percent. Protocol recently partnered with Moonriver. In addition, according to the data, the number of investors increased.

KCS, FTM and NEAR also rose

In third place is KuCoin Token of KuCoin, one of the popular cryptocurrency exchanges. KCS rose 10.89 percent. The rise or fall of the tokens of exchanges can vary depending on the activity on the exchange in question. In fourth place is the token of the smart contract platform Fantom. FTM showed an increase of 10.82 percent. Phantom is a network that comes to the fore with many partnerships. Among them are platforms such as Kyber Network, TUSD, PaintSwap, Dextools. Fantom’s Developer Conference, where Binance is the official stock exchange partner, starts today and will last until October 29.

Finally, the NEAR token of Near Protocol, a decentralized application platform designed to make applications available on the web, has gained 10.22 percent. Protocol will hold a conference called NearCon on October 26-27, during which it is stated that many new, big announcements will take place.

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