These 5 Altcoins Can Bring Serious Profits!

BitBoy Crypto analyst with million subscribers shares 5 altcoin projects that could have “serious profit potentials” for 2022. In the list, you can find the 2021 performances of the projects and the analyst’s expectations.

Analyst identified 5 altcoin projects for 2022

The first candidate is Ojamu (OJA), which is built on Ethereum and Polygon. The project is a Singapore-based cross-chain platform that bridges the gap between Blockchain artificial intelligence NFTs and digital marketing. According to the analyst, Ojamu brings together industry data from leading Blockchain protocols such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana and Polygon. The OJE token is currently live on UniSwap, QuickSwap and Polygon mainnet. According to the analyst, this promising project has a stacked roadmap for 2022 with a large number of new investors and partners.

The second altcoin, Trader Joe, is a one-stop decentralized automated market maker trading platform. It is known as the number one DEX on the Avalanche network. People can use this platform to trade, leverage, swap, stake, diff, lend and borrow. According to the analyst, its performance since November 21 gives the green light for 2022.

Number three on the list, Energy Web Token (EWT) is the operational token behind Energy Web Chain, a Blockchain-based virtual machine designed to support and develop further application development for the energy industry. According to the analyst, EWT will make significant contributions to efficiency and help automobile production.

The next altcoin to be mentioned DODO is a DeFi protocol and liquidity provider whose unique proactive market maker (PMM) algorithm aims to offer better liquidity and price stability than AMM. In short, DODO’s vision is to provide liquidity for trading. The project introduced v1.5 in its latest update. This feature brings together multiple sources of liquidity to find the best price for an individual’s order. Finally, let’s take a look at the metaverse coin project. Star Atlas (ATLAS) is a AAA massive multiplayer metaverse set in the distant future, based on the Solana Blockchain. In this world, you can buy spaceships NFTs or make political decisions through in-game governance. According to the analyst, those who want to evaluate play-to-win gaming platforms can examine ATLAS. The project also has staking options with NFT ceilings.

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