These 5 Altcoins Are The Fastest Jumps! –

Crypto Youtube channel Coin Bureau host shares altcoin projects he thinks will perform well during the next crypto bull run. The analyst is optimistic that the altcoins he mentioned will explode.

Altcoin projects chosen by the analyst: SOL, MATIC, NEAR, DOT and ATOM

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the crypto market has started the new year pretty well. Returning investors are looking for projects that can run well this year. Coin Bureau host Guy, who has millions of subscribers, cites a report by Electric Capital. The analyst states that Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC) and Near Protocol (NEAR) have been able to attract and retain developers despite receiving significantly less funding than their counterparts. Guy thinks this is a sign that Polkadot (DOT) and Cosmos (ATOM) will shine in the next crypto cycle. In this context, the analyst makes the following statement:

Altcoin projects that raised a lot of funds were the least affected by the bear market. This includes existing blue-chip altcoin projects such as Polygon, Solana, and Near Protocol. Also included are potential future blue-chip crypto projects like Aptos. But there are exceptions to this rule, such as Polkadot and Cosmos.

“This is why DOT and ATOM will explode”

The analyst highlights that the ability to continue to build a developer base despite having significantly less funding is another quality shared by both projects. Based on this, he makes the following statement:

You can call me crazy. However, I think this is concrete proof that Polkadot and Cosmos have the most stable communities and therefore the most productive ecosystems. The fact that we saw neither DOT nor ATOM fireworks during the previous crypto cycle suggests that the next one will be their time to shine.


“One caveat: we haven’t seen the bottom of the bear market yet”

According to the Electric Capital report, the number of developers at Solana, Polkadot, Cosmos, and Polygon has now grown from under 200 in the 2018 crypto winter to over 1,000. Other blockchains such as Aptos (APT) have seen the number of developers increase by more than 50% year over year. Developers at Near Protocol similarly posted a 40% year-over-year increase. However, the analyst says that regulatory risk and the possibility of further drop in altcoin prices could hurt projects’ ability to retain developers. In this regard, he comments:

The only thing I would warn about is that we have yet to see the bottom of the current crypto bear market. This is real. If the crypto market continues to crash or even just moves sideways, it could have a negative impact on developer retention for all altcoin projects and protocols. It will put pressure on some of these crypto projects from US regulators, especially the SEC.

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