These 5 Altcoins Are Flying!

On Tuesday morning, Bitcoin (BTC) price retraced from $58,900 to $56,100. At the time of writing, it is changing hands at $56,463, down 2 percent. Although BTC fell, the 5 altcoins in the top 100 by market cap recorded the biggest daily increase. We share these coins as…

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is back in the field as Bitcoin price drops

Shiba Inu (SHIB), which has not experienced a sharp rise for a while with the stagnation process in the crypto money market, experienced an increase of 19.86 percent. The rise of SHIB may be due to the announcement of a popular cryptocurrency exchange that it will list the meme coin. United States-based crypto exchange Kraken has announced that it will begin supporting the Shiba Inu (SHIB) from November 30. SHIB will initially be traded against USD and Euro pairs, however Kraken Futures and Margin Trading for SHIB will not be available at launch.

The second coin that rose the most was Tezos (XTZ). XTZ gained more than 14 percent. Tezos, a blockchain network based on smart contracts, will host the exhibition “Humans + Machines: NFTs and the Ever-Evolving World of Art”, which will take place at Art Basel Miami Beach from December 2-4. Tezos has recently turned to the non-fungible token (NFT) space.

Well-known altcoin projects STX, LUNA, OMG also rose

Another coin that gained value was Stacks (STX). Stacks is a layer-1 Blockchain solution designed to bring smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) to Bitcoin (BTC). At this time, there is no specific news as to what is behind the momentum STX has gained. Fourth, Terra (LUNA) gained 10.18 percent. According to Caviar venture founder and crypto investor Jason Wang, the Terra (LUNA) price benefited from 5.4 million token burns in four days.

Finally, the OMG token of OMG Network, the second-tier scaling solution, gained 9.24 percent. The project is led by the OMG Foundation, which has rebranded and partnered with Enya to create the Boba Network, a new network that helps developers scale DApps. An airdrop of Boba Network’s BOBA tokens took place recently, allowing OMG to become popular again.

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