These 4 Meme Coins Exploded!

Some meme coin projects inspired by Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have made strong gains over the 24-hour period. We share the ones that increase the most…

These four memes coin leapt

First of all, ElonFlokiInu (EFloki) rose over 1.094 percent during the day. For comparison, DOGE has dropped 0.5% and SHIB 3% in the last 24 hours. ElonFlokiInu, named after Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s pet dog Floki, boosted its strong gains from Monday and hit an all-time high earlier today. It reached $0.000007916. The token says it’s a combination of Gamefi and Rebase.

On the other hand, Christmas Floki X (CFLOKIX) gained 509.4 percent. Christmas Floki X describes itself as a rebasing token launched before Christmas. The new token touched an all-time high of $0.000000000514 early Wednesday. Third, Super Doge Bros (DOGEBROS) gained 13.21 percent. Super Doge Bros says it recreates an old classic game (Mario) with over 20 unique fast-paced levels with increasing difficulty levels. The project behind the new token has announced that it aims to create collections of 10,000 unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Finally, FlokiPad (FLOKIPAD) gained close to 14 percent. FlokiPad says it’s on a mission to make decentralized finance (DeFi) more secure, accessible and rewarding. The project behind the token says it aims to create a unique and collaborative dynamic launchpad dApp and utilities suite. The cryptocurrency announced that it was listed on HotBit on Twitter.

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