These 4 Low Value Altcoin Gems Are Ready to Explode: Analyst Announced!

In 2021, some Altcoins like Polygon Matic, Shiba Inu, and even Dogecoin delivered 100X or even 1000X earnings for their investors, and some of the investors who invested only $1000 and held their crypto became crypto millionaires.

A well-known crypto entrepreneur Joe Parys As mentioned above, he proposed 5 micro market cap Altcoins with huge upside potential in 2022, and talking about the coins that have not been in the market for a very long time, the analyst stated that these altcoins offer you an early entry opportunity.

Hololoot (HOL)

The first cryptocurrency on the analyst’s list Hololoot (HOL). Hololoot is the first AR (augmented reality) NFT generator, marketplace and metaverse.

Users can create, purchase, activate an AR NFT and then interact with the virtual NFT asset. Hololoot is also interested in bringing the metaverse to life. There are 1 billion AR-ready devices in the world, and Hololoot is taking advantage of that to bring the metaverse into your living room.

Using Holohoot, you can create incredible AR-enabled 3D assets in just a few clicks and print them as NFTs. Then you can view, play or trade them, all in one powerful app.
Analyst says Hololoot is doing something different and special that he has never seen before with NFTs and that is one of the reasons why it is such an incredible crypto gem, explaining the other reasons as follows:

“What makes this token a real low-value gem is that it actually did pretty well overall in the first months of its launch. And the market cap is over $2 million and that amount is seriously very, very small for this project. Of course, the same thing makes investing in this project much riskier…”


WeWay (WWY)

Second place on analyst’s list of crypto gems WeWay (WWY) exists. The platform features joint streams with famous stars, music video shoots, exclusive NFTs, fundraising, voting and much more. WeWay offers the opportunity to influence the creativity of your favorite bloggers and artists, suggest ideas, support initiatives, access unique NFT collections.

Creators working on the WeWay platform can publish their own NFT and creators can publish any content in NFT format, it can be images, video, audio files, documents or even 3d models. These files will be permanently linked to NFT and their owners will be able to easily establish their ownership rights.

The analyst states that although WeWay was actually listed very recently, its presale price has increased more than 40 times, and claims that the small $3 million market cap of the token, which is trading at $0.03, provides room for growth.

Spintop (SPIN)

The next altcoin on Joe’s list is Spintop (SPIN). Spintop is the next generation blockchain gaming hub that aims to provide a comprehensive experience for players, traders and investors using new Web3 tools. Spintop aims to guide, discuss and supply through blockchain games.

Listed today, Spintop game-pedia that will prioritize UI and UX along with the social aspects of blockchain games has just been released and is expected to be a community-driven game guide. Users can research, discover and play new games on this platform.

Spintop is a blockchain-specific gaming platform where the community can discover and play games, trade tokens for NFTs, and earn together in a shared ecosystem under the moderation of a carefully selected MMR. Spintop has all the tools you need to experience blockchain games to the fullest.

The analyst believes that the altcoin, which trades at $0.40 and has a fairly low market cap of $24 million, has a long way to go:

“If Spintop returns to all-time highs, that means it will double your money. I truly believe that Spintop is at its core a hundred million or even bigger project, only time will tell.”


Ridotto (RDT)

The last altcoin on the analyst’s crypto jewelery list is Ridotto (RDT). The analyst states that one of the most important token-related events is imminent, and that the cross-chain gambling and lottery protocol Ridotto will be launched on CardStarter.

Ridotto will be the next IDO to be released by CardStarter, the world’s leading incubator, launchpad, and insurance program for Cardano projects, which looks set to bring the altcoin into the spotlight.

Ridotto is a platform that provides full transparency by both players and liquidity providers. Operators create the protocol and allow users to develop unique games on their platform.

Besides, Ridotto has partnered with some of the biggest players in the Cardano ecosystem, which gives the altcoin awareness and credibility. According to the analyst, the platform also has an excellent implementation and a solid team. In addition, the platform’s Twitters and Linkedins are also very professional, and Parys thinks this is one of the things that will provide Ridotto’s pump.


The analyst also claims that the altcoin, which traded at $0.19 and has a market cap of $5 million, could return to ATH levels and bring big gains to its investors:

“Risotto’s price action continued to move downwards…. but as it has a market cap of only four million dollars, I believe that if this cryptocurrency moves backwards and Cardano starts building and implementing something on the blockchain, Ridotto can definitely explode upwards. And if the altcoin is able to return to its all-time high of $1.47, that’s almost 10x your money at the price it’s currently trading.”

Disclaimer: What is written here is not investment advice. Cryptocurrency investments are high-risk investments. Every investment decision is under the individual’s own responsibility. Finally, Koinfinans and the author of this content cannot be held responsible for personal investment decisions.

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