These 3 Metaverse Coins Exploded!

Although the crypto money market has lost blood recently, it is not overlooked that there are some coins that are generally on the rise. However, it is worth noting that these altcoins, which have gained huge value, are fairly new coins and may drop drastically. As a result, we will be talking about the 3 most rising metaverse coin projects…

These 3 metaverse coins challenge the cryptocurrency market

NinjaFloki (NJF) was the first coin to challenge the stable situation in the general market with its rise. NJF is up 1.265 percent in the last 24 hours. Released in December 2021, NinjaFloki includes a play-to-earn game built with Unity and is a Binance Smart Chain, meme, and metaverse coin. Ninja Floki is a 2D platform game with increasing difficulty where players try to overcome obstacles, monsters and puzzles.

Second, Web3 Inu (WEB3) gained over 200 percent; however, it should be noted that it has started to experience a slight withdrawal. Launched in January 2022, Web3 Inu is a metaverse/meme coin with a Rent-to-win token concept that allows users to earn rewards by renting businesses in the Web3 Inu Metaverse. WEB3 are tokens that users can buy, trade, redeem and spend on the on-chain tier of the Web3 Inu game.

Finally, the Alien Shiba Inu (ASHIB) rose over 100 percent. This token is also experiencing a slight decline. Launched in November 2021, Alien Shiba Inu is a Binance Smart Chain meme coin featuring the alien-themed Shiba Inu. The project includes three flagship products, including an NFT collecting game, a decentralized exchange, and a Marketplace called AlienShibaInuCrew.

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