These 3 Altcoins Have Hit Bottom!

Altcoin analyst Smart Contracter, known for his accurate predictions, analyzes lows for the cryptocurrency of Binance Coin (BNB), Ethereum (ETH), and the FTX exchange (FTT). Of course, keep in mind that the analyzes below are not sharp. Contracter shares its forecasts for the coming days with technical analysis. Let’s start with the altcoin BNB, where the analyst is targeting ATH versus BTC.

Analyst focuses on BTC parities of altcoin projects

Starting with Binance Coin, Smart Contracter says that BNB, the native token of the Binance network, is about to hit an all-time high against Bitcoin. According to the analyst, Binance Coin is also heading towards a new record against the dollar. Here are the analysis and technical chart:

BNB/BTC is only 4% off ATH levels, and BNB/USD is not far behind. For ATH it’s a question of time, not if.

  • In the case of Ethereum, Smart Contracter says that when paired with Bitcoin (ETH/BTC), the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap has broken. The analyst is watching the wedge formation, which consists of the following ascending peaks: According to Smart Contracter, whose analysis we shared as the ETH/BTC chart, a breakout in the ETH/BTC chart can also be considered a bullish signal for the Ethereum/USD pair.

Analyst thinks bottoms are found for FTT

Looking at the state of FTT, the token of the FTX exchange after Ethereum and Bitcoin, the analyst says that FTT may continue on an upside after hitting a bottom around a strong support level:

Reminder, the potential continuation of the big FTT bottom had already lasted for 5 days. I don’t think we’ll be here much longer before we start moving again.

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