These 3 Altcoins Failed! –

Cardano co-founder Charles Hoskinson says one of his favorite aspects of the bear market is seeing failed altcoin projects.

Charles Hoskinson says they get more backlash from collapsed projects

Charles Hoskinson, the founder and developer of Cardano, recently shared his views on the positive aspects of the bear market in a tweet. “Derangement Syndrome” in the tweet is a term used for negative reviews or reactions. With this statement, Hoskinson speaks of community members who are not happy with anything about Cardano. He says that he has been reacted to harsh criticisms of himself as if he was one of the names behind collapsed projects such as LUNA, CSPR and CEL:

The best part about the bear market is that Charles Derangement Syndrome is in its final form. Seeing the comments about the cryptocurrency market, I think I must have created the alliance of LUNA, CSPR and CEL. Can you at least make better memes?

Hoskinson stated that the level of hostility directed at him on social media exceeds the founders of Celsius, Luna and Casper. These three cryptocurrencies filed for bankruptcy in the last bear market. LUNA and CEL caused widespread grievance, wiping out billions of dollars in investor capital. CSPR, on the other hand, is trying to recover and gain momentum.

Cardano supporters

Despite harsh criticism, there are people who support Charles Hoskinson and Cardano. Ben Goertzel, a well-known scientist and artificial intelligence expert, is one of them. He gave the following statements about Cardano on Twitter today:

Hmm… considering Cardano as a software framework/network rather than a financial investment, I don’t feel panic at all, just happy with the increased capabilities of the code being deployed… increasing clarity of future potential

Goertzel is not at all worried, despite the 20% drop in ADA prices over the past two weeks. Instead, it enjoys the idea that Cardano is a dynamic software architecture.

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