These 3 Altcoins Exploded!

While Bitcoin (BTC), many leading altcoin projects, and popular meme coin projects such as Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE), fell, three under-thousand-thousand under-the-recognition altcoins rose more than 200 percent, delighting their investors. For details keep reading.

Today’s booming altcoin projects

Fantasy World Gold (FWG) ranks first with an increase of 494.47%. Fantasy World Gold, a GameFi project, takes place on the planet Mancella, which is home to 2 nations, each connected to a different environment. Your story begins as a lost traveler who has lost his memory after crossing countless worlds. You begin your journey by exploring the mysterious island of Ponomia, home to solitary, great, heroic gods and mortals ascended to godhood. With the help of an unknown being, you will also gain the ability to control 4 perfectly balanced elements: wind, water, earth and fire. The altcoin, which ranks 3316 in the CoinMarketCap ranking, was trading at $ 0.01274 at the time of writing.

Ruff (RUFF) is in second place with an increase of 462.78%. Ruff Chain combines IoT technology with Blockchain. It includes a distributed operating system and an open main-chain that connects the virtual world to reality peer-to-peer network and consensus mechanism. While traditional Blockchain gave up Reachability instead of Consistency and Split Tolerance, Ruff enabled Reach through the combination of Edge Computing and Blockchain, making Reach available and thus meeting the requirements of flexible real-time requirements. The altcoin, which is ranked 1174 in the CoinMarketCap ranking, was trading at $ 0.0152 at the time of writing.


Primecoin (XPM) is in third place, up 277.42%. Primecoin, launched on July 7, 2013 by the founder of Peercoin and anonymous hacker Sunny King, is one of the practical altcoin projects with a Proof of Work (PoW) system. Earlier cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin were mined using algorithms that solved arbitrary mathematical problems, and their results had no value or use outside of mining the cryptocurrency itself. But Primecoin’s algorithm calculated chains of prime numbers (Cunningham and bi-twin chains), and the results were published on the Blockchain’s public ledger for use by scientists, mathematicians and everyone else. Ranked 1148th in the CoinMarketCap ranking, the altcoin was trading at $ 0.213 at the time of writing.


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