These 2 Cryptocurrency Companies Started Liquidation! –

Cryptocurrency companies continue to be negatively impacted by the latest bear market. Companies prefer to cut their expenses and lay off their staff to survive in the market. Two new companies joined the crypto money companies that went to staff reduction. Here are the details…

Crypto asset manager Osprey lays off employees

Crypto asset manager Osprey Funds has reportedly laid off most of its staff since the summer of 2022, highlighting the ongoing operational challenges posed by crypto’s ongoing bear market. Reports reported on January 9 that Osprey Funds is now operating with fewer than 10 employees after laying off 15 employees since the summer. CEO Greg Kling told the publication that the layoffs are consistent with the market downturn and that Osprey is not at risk of shutting down operations.

Osprey offers accredited investors access to crypto-focused investment products, including an over-the-counter (OTC) Bitcoin trust that can be purchased through brokerage accounts. The institutional appetite for crypto products has declined significantly over the past year, reflecting declining demand for riskier assets following tightening liquidity conditions around the world. 2022 was one of the worst years of the decade for global equities and bonds.

However, there are some positive signs that institutional investors are warming up to crypto again. A Coinbase-sponsored survey conducted between September 21 and October 27 found that 62 percent of institutional investors have increased their exposure to cryptoassets in the past 12 months.

SuperRare lays off 30 percent of its employees

CEO John Crain said in a post on Twitter that NFT platform SuperRare will cut staff by about 30 percent. Although the company grew “with the market” in its last bull run, the aggressive growth proved unsustainable, according to Crain. The CEO said, “We over-hired and I take full responsibility for this mistake.” said.

Stating that the company decided to “size the team at the right level” to get their work on track, Crain added that they will “do everything they can” for those leaving the company. SuperRare is the latest company to announce staff cuts during the bear market, with some companies reporting restructuring efforts.

The number of personnel working in the industry is decreasing As we reported, layoffs in its industry have increased since the summer, and leading exchanges have made such announcements amid declining revenues. In November, Coinbase reportedly laid off more than 60 employees just months after cutting 18 percent of its workforce. Kraken also announced in November that it was laying off 30 percent of its global workforce. Other than that, staff cuts hit Huobi and Genesis exchanges soon after reports that Silvergate Bank will lay off about 200 employees, roughly 40 percent of its workforce.

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