There was a case of tracking with AirTag at Disney World

A new Apple in the USA Tracking with AirTag case occurred. One of the most popular amusement parks in the world Disney WorldWithin hours, it became a scary place for the US family. Family members said they were “horrified” after learning that they were being followed by AirTag at Disney World.

Jennifer Gaston’s 17-year-old daughter after a fun day at Disney World Madison Gaston, Apple received notification that it was traveling with AirTag. “I had no idea what the AirTag was that went around with me,” he said.

The secret of the latest update to AirTag has been solved

The latest update for Apple’s tracking device, AirTag, will make it difficult for unwanted trackers. Here are the details!

Followed the family to Disney World with AirTag

AirTag, developed by Apple for product tracking, has recently been used to track people. The latest example at Disney World, the amusement park in the USA, is the Gaston family. being followed for four hours revealed.


with notification from iPhone Surprised by what had happened, Madison Gaston saw a map showing all the places they had walked in the last four hours. After receiving this notification, the Gaston family, who searched all their bags and clothes, returned to the hotel without finding the AirTag.

that they are secretly followed with AirTag Realizing that, the family quickly reached the police. The Tennessee Investigation Bureau, which started an investigation into the incident, stated that they had encountered similar cases before. The Bureau recommends that if you find an AirTag that doesn’t belong to you, you hand it over to law enforcement.

Jennifer Gaston said she was distraught by this situation. “As a parent, I went crazy at that moment. It’s scary to think that someone you don’t know is in bad faith,” she said. His daughter Madison stated that she had read about such cases, but she never thought that it would happen to her.

Launched in April last year, Apple Airtag has become the subject of controversy, especially after reports of stalking women increased. Apple, on the other hand, has been the source of privacy concerns for some time. New updates of AirTag trying to fix it.

So what do you think about tracking cases with AirTag? You can share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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