There Are Stolen Altcoins! –

After Uniswap, one of the biggest DeFi platforms, another popular cryptocurrency has been hacked.

Another DeFi project lost millions of cryptocurrencies

The new victim stole almost $1 million worth of cryptocurrencies. is a user-friendly returns machine for Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and USD Coin (USDC) investors. The DeFi altcoin project was the last victim in October when its BSC was hacked. California-based Web3 security provider Supremacy Inc. According to a statement shared by the company, it was attacked twice on October 15, 2022.

The attackers targeted EFLeverVault, a key element of’s design. They exploit this place through a flash loan attack. They were then able to withdraw all Ethereum (ETH) stored in the contract, which was designed to act as collateral, due to an architectural flaw in its contract. As explained by veteran Blockchain researcher Daniel Von Fange, an EFLeverVault contract was issued to verify the initiator of the massive pullback:

A few hours ago, EFLeverVault’s 750 ETH hack occurred because the contract did not confirm that flash loan callbacks were actually initiated by the protocol, allowing the attacker to tell the protocol to withdraw large sums of money.

October hack season

The Ethereum (ETH) infrastructure was the target of unprecedented attacks that will go down in history in October 2022. On October 7, 2022, a bridge connecting the two parts of BNB Chain fell victim to the $566 million attack. On October 12, a hacker manipulated Ethereum-linked oracle contracts. Solana-based Mango withdrew $100 million from its liquidity protocol. Later, the Mango community agreed to give the hacker the biggest bug bounty. They will give $47 million in exchange for returning the remaining funds currently affected.

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