There Are Important News From These 7 Altcoin Projects: Here Are The Giant Developments!

We take a behind-the-scenes look at the week’s most important altcoin news. Here are the details…

Altcoin news of the week

NEAR futures contracts are now traded on the Binance Futures trading platform. Interested parties can now buy and sell NEAR tokens with up to 50x leverage on Binance.

Cellframe Network has announced that the planned Scorpion mainnet launch has been delayed.

Crypto data collection platform Coinecko has strategically partnered with the XDEFI wallet. To celebrate the partnership, both platforms have launched a raffle. As we mentioned, Spelltoken is the focus of attention in the crypto market today. The token is currently trading at $0.01485 with a 24-hour trading volume of $108 million. And it has increased 19.91% in the last 24 hours.

Important News From These 7 Altcoin Projects

Huge hackathon launched by aelf with a prize pool of $680,000. According to the official announcement shared by the aelf team, the first metaverse themed hackathon Top of OASIS has launched successfully. The final results of the Hackathon will be announced on February 15, 2022.

Inspired by the mainstream Olympus-style framework, Jade Protocol is changing the course in decentralized fundraising. His team is developing a decentralized VC fund for the first time, with the slogan “For the people, by the people.” Check out the details on the project’s Medium page:

Russia is trying to ban cryptocurrencies!

According to a Reuters report, Russia’s central bank is trying to impose a ban on cryptocurrency investment. According to the report, investors will be prohibited from making new purchases, but the ban will not cover existing cryptocurrencies. Earlier this month, the Central Bank of Russia banned mutual funds from investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, testing of Russia’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital ruble, is expected to begin next year.

First Loan In Russia, Backed by Popular Altcoin Waves!

The transaction appearing on the Dogecoin Blockchain shows that the anonymous “Jzi13k” made a massive transaction worth almost $1 billion to two addresses. The first address, “y3PvN”, took the bulk of the transaction and currently holds 5.3 billion Dogecoins. WhaleStats reported transactions. Some commentators think Musk may have done it after Tesla’s Dogecoin announcement.

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