There Are Important News From 10 DeFi Altcoin Projects: Here are the Developments!

DeFi is truly at the forefront of adoption across the entire blockchain and cryptocurrency space. We’ve compiled the ten best DeFi altcoin updates to keep our readers updated on this week’s DeFi developments.

10 DeFi altcoin updates

1. Lossless partnership with PAID Network. Lossless, the world’s first crypto hack mitigation tool, entered at least three different partnerships last week. According to reports, PAID Network is the newest of the three networks to join the Lossless ecosystem.

2. Doll NFTs integrate Chainlink Price Feed. Solana-based NFT game project Doll NFTs has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds.

3. Epicenter Partnership with Wanchain. Blockchain interoperability solution platform Wanchain has entered into a strategic partnership with Epicenter.

4. partnership with tofuNFT and MetaWars. NFT marketplace tofuNFT, formerly known as SCV Finance, has partnered with MetaWars.

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5. Republic Realm invests in Dvision Network. Republic Realm has strategically invested in the Dvision network by acquiring LAND.

6. MyDeFiPet partners with Leather Protocol. Last week, virtual pet game MyDeFiPet and Deri Protocol announced a strategic partnership.

7. Polygon and Wanchain partnership. Wanchain has partnered with Polygon. According to reports, the partnership will facilitate the launch of the L-2 to L-2 cross-chain bridge.

8. MELD tokens are now available on MEXC Global. MMORPG MELD tokens are now available on MEXC Global.

9. Poolz (POOLZ) is now in the Orion terminal. Orion Terminal, the world’s first decentralized gateway to the crypto space, has listed the Poolz native token POOLZ.

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10. Harmony (ONE) lists AAG initiatives. Interestingly, Harmony has also partnered with AAG Ventures and will provide the project with a permanent solution to cross-chain interoperability challenges.

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