There Are 9 Altcoins Exploding on Social Media: Here is the List! As you can follow from the news, Blockchain technology is developing day by day and crypto adoption is increasing. This naturally occurs as more people become interested and talk about the crypto market. Today, conversations, discussions, promotions, etc., about the crypto market. many social activities take place on social media and altcoin projects increase social media adoption.

Top 10 altcoin projects in terms of most mentions on Twitter

Among the social media platforms, Twitter, in particular, has a special place for the crypto community. Watcher.Guru, which closely follows the developments in the crypto market, lists the most mentioned projects on social media. With 3.6 million mentions on Twitter, the leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC) is mentioned the most, followed by the leading altcoin Ethereum (ETH) with 814,000 mentions.

Meme coin projects also found a place in the list. In fact, Dogecoin (DOGE), which Tesla CEO Elon Musk is a fan of, ranked 3rd after Ethereum and was followed by another dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB). Tezos (XTZ), a decentralized open-source Blockchain capable of running peer-to-peer transactions and acting as a platform for deploying smart contracts, ranks fifth, while a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Pancake Swap (CAKE) placed sixth.

NFTBooks (NFTBS), a BSC toke released on June 7, 2021, snatched seventh place, while Ethereum rival Cardano (ADA) placed eighth. Rarible (RARI), an altcoin that allows digital artists and creators to issue and sell private crypto assets that represent ownership in their digital work, is ninth, followed by Safemoon (SAFEMOON), another meme coin project.

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