There Are 88 Detentions! –

As adoption in the cryptocurrency ecosystem grows, so does the news of scams. In addition, especially recently, the number of people exposed to cryptocurrency fraud is quite high. As reported, research on crypto fraud continues in Turkey. However, 88 suspects were detained in Mersin on charges of crypto fraud. It was announced that the detainees were detained for allegedly committing fraud with the promise of investment and profit. Here are the details…

A total of 88 people were detained in the operation covering 14 provinces.

Mersin Provincial Police Department Anti-Cyber ​​Crime Branch teams started an investigation on a group that allegedly committed fraudulent fraud by creating fishing links with the panels they set up in daily rented houses. Afterwards, the Mersin-based investigation continued in 14 provinces in total. However, it turned out that the suspects introduced themselves as ‘cryptocurrency exchange investment experts’. In addition, he shared with the promise of ‘5 thousand liras for the lowest money investment’ from their hacked social media accounts. They gained access to the bank cards and accounts of many people they sent links to.

The police detected that the suspects had manipulated their identity information and GSM lines. Thanks to this information, he determined that they had committed the crimes of “theft by using information systems”. Police identified 88 suspects who allegedly made unjust gains by defrauding 39 citizens living in Mersin, Istanbul, Adana, Hatay, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Mardin, Bitlis, Bingöl, Antalya, Konya, Malatya, Bursa and Van with approximately 720 thousand liras. However, the teams conducted an operation against 88 suspects for allegedly committing crypto money fraud.

Suspects introduced themselves as crypto experts

Fraudsters who introduced themselves as crypto money investment experts were caught in the operation. The fraud network in question was deceiving people through their hacked social media accounts. The following words were included in the statement made by Mersin Provincial Police Department:

Members create fraudulent websites and fraudulent links called ‘phishing’ for fraudulent acts, they share on social media accounts and websites, and they access the bank cards and accounts of many people by sending links to the phone numbers they have obtained; they determined the lowest crypto money investment as 5 thousand TL over their hacked social media accounts; and it was determined that they were committing fraud with the promise of earning high profits as a result of their investments. It has been determined that network members have obtained the identity information of many people. It was determined that they manipulated the GSM line information of 10 thousand people and obtained their identity cards, temporary identity documents, bank IBAN and bank card information.

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