There Actually Is Gravity on the ISS: How Can Astronauts Fly?

As discovered by Albert Einstein and explained incredibly simply by Douglas Adams, there is no such thing as a truly zero-gravity field, but it is possible to simulate gravity-free environments.

Names sometimes given or definitions made in scientific studies, It can be a little misunderstood by the public. One of these is the term non-gravity environment.

Lack of gravity is actually not something that can be encountered very easily, especially when there are huge celestial bodies right below you. So what is this? zero gravity environment what we say?

First of all, the International Space Station is also in the Earth’s gravitational field.

In fact, on Earth, the gravitational force normally 9.81 m/sq. was determined as . On the ISS, this force is more or less is 9 m/sq..

So it is impossible to say that we are free from all the effects of gravity. Yet in this environment We can experience the properties of the zero-gravity environment.

Alper Geziravci

Einstein was in a zero-gravity environment at the time. be in free fall He discovered that there was no difference between them. He later defined this as the “principle of equivalence” and introduced it to the literature.

So actually International Space Station All artificial satellites in orbit, even the Moon, are constantly falling to the Earth. The Earth is already falling into the Sun, and the Sun is falling into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way… But neither of them will ever fall. cannot complete the decline.

Jumping from a high enough place and missing the ground…

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