Theft scandal in Amazon: They made a profit in a year!

Amazon, one of the leading e-commerce companies in the world, continues to come up with interesting events. Finally, the company is on the agenda when a former warehouse manager steals tens of thousands of dollars of computer hardware from the company’s warehouses and sells it to a computer company for profit.

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Former Amazon warehouse manager admits to stealing $273k in hardware

A new one has been added to the theft incidents in e-commerce companies such as Amazon. Douglas Wright, 27, who served as the operations manager at the company’s Charlotte warehouse in the past years, admitted that he stole computer hardware such as processors, hard drives and graphics cards from the company’s warehouse between June 2020 and September 2021 with a total value of more than $ 273,000.

Wright, who does this job periodically, said that after taking the stolen products home, he sold them to a computer sales company in California for profit. The former warehouse manager, who also admitted to the theft and fraud charges against him, faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The court date has not yet been determined.

In addition, in recent years, allegations have emerged that child labor is employed at Foxconn Hengyang facilities, where products such as the company’s artificial intelligence-supported speaker Amazon Echo are produced. This was clearly denied by Amazon and Foxconn, and Tang Mingfang, who made the allegations, was arrested and sentenced to prison.

Mingfang, who was released in the past months, wrote a letter to Jeff Bezos a while ago, stating that his allegations were true, that he was innocent, and that he would see the truth if he investigated. However, there was no response from Bezos to this letter.

So what do you think about this subject? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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